About us

About Benovymed Healthcare Group

Benovymed Healthcare Group is World’s Top 20 & India’s no:1 most Impact Innovation DeepTech HealthTech Startup Global Healthcare Organisation MNC fast emerging DeepTech HealthTech Unicorn in Revolutionising Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine through Disruption & Innovation for last over 30 Years since 1993

Benovymed Healthcare Group is a Global Leader, a Game-Changer DeepTech HealthTech Impact Innovation Fast Emerging Unicorn in a Multi-Trillions Dollar Global Market of Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine & Next-Gen MedTech Multispeciality Surgical Robotics in Hospitals Speciality Clinics Healthcare Ecosystem and in a Multi-Disciplinary Multistage Journey in Cancer | Diabetes |

Heart | COPD & Mental Health in a Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) & Women’s Health in Public Health & Private Health in Diseases Prevention, Early Detection, Diagnosis, Treatment and with end to end Complete Diseases Management to benefits & Impact Globally Billions of People & working & benefiting to all Stakeholders Govt, MOH, MOD, Hospitals, Pharma Co, Insurance Co, Corporate Co.

  • A global Leader in Revolutionizing Digital Health, AI Health & Next-Gen MedTech Multispeciality Surgical Robotics with AI Benovymed developed the World’s 1st Most Comprehensive Integrated Care Disease Management SaaS Cloud Platform for a multi-stage Journey in Chronic Diseases (NCD) & COVID-19 type Disease Management.
  • Benovymed developed the World’s 1st Most Comprehensive Integrated Care SaaS Platform (Highly Scalable) with its Proprietary Patented Multiple Technologies and Clinical Novel Solutions for disease management in NCD & Women’s Health areas.

Powered by: Benovymed Global R&D and AI Health Innovation Lab.

Benovymed Healthcare Group is a Global Healthcare R&D-based Institution, in terms of High Sustainable Exponential Growth Capabilities, We left behind many Big Established R&D & Innovation Healthcare Institutions, MNCs, and Global organizations.

Benovymed Healthcare Group is Building the Future of Healthcare for Accessible l Affordable l Safe & Quality Health to All Locally & Globally including India for High Sustainable Growth to meet the ESG and UNSDG.

Benovymed Healthcare Group with its 9 Healthcare Business Verticals (that means 9 Game Changer Disruptive Innovative World’s fast emerging High Sustainable Exponential Growth Profit making 🌎 HealthTech Unicorn MNC) Each of 9 Healthcare Business Verticals with Multi Billions $ Revenue Generating Capabilities Y by Y F by F , our each of 9 Healthcare Vertical is just like Billion $ Revenue Generating Capabilities Impact Innovation Global Healthcare Technologies Organisation bringing our Founder & CEO earned wealth in last over 30 Years of Multifaceted Billion $ Domain Expertise in Impact innovation in variety of Healthcare Technologies of Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine & Next-Gen MedTech with High Sustainable Exponential Growth Profit making with Returns on Investment ROI 20X to 100X after 5 to 7 Yrs to Investors with Benovymed Healthcare Group Valuation of over 300 Billion $ with Investors Exit through IPO Listing on NASDAQ l NY l HK l Dubai l NSE working Globally including India in B2B & B2B2C Business models working with & benefit to all stakeholders to Govt, MOH, MOD, Hospitals, Speciality Clinics, Pharma co, Insurance co & Corporate Companies Globally including India.

We have been building the Healthcare Industry through our over 30 Years ( since 1993) of Deep Science & Technologies R&D and Innovation based domain expertise in Medical Practices by Revolutionizing Digital Health l AI Health l Telemedicine I MedIoT & Next-Gen MedTech l Multispeciality Surgical Robotics with AI through Impact Innovation Disruptive Healthcare Technologies in Solving 1000 Complex Problems existing in Public Health l Private Health in NCD & CD areas in Diseases Management, Prevention, Early Detection, Complete Treatment &Control to Impact the lives of Billions of people & Benefits to all stakeholders for making Accessible l Affordable l Safe &Quality Health to All for making the Future of Healthcare for all Globally including India.

We are working for last over 30 Years in Healthcare in Building, Creating , Growing Medical Practices of more than 100,000 Superspeciality Medical Practitioners in 20 Superspeciality Medical Practices ,Building from Scratch & Supporting, with International Standard Medical Quality Practices, Education, Mentoring, Growing Medical Practices driven by varied HealthTech & Advanced Medical Technologies Applications in 20 Superspeciality Practices to more than 5000 Hospitals( Single/Multi/Superspeciality) & Speciality Clinics (in 20 different Single Superspeciality Clinical Practices), in B2B & B2B2C Business models for Benefiting to all stakeholders with a Patient Centric Technologies Novel Clinical Solutions with our own Proprietary developed Game Changer Next-Gen DeepTech Health Technologies driven by Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine & Next Gen MedTech through Impact Innovation for better & Safe Treatments Outcomes, Healthcare Management in bringing change in our Healthcare Ecosystem Locally & Globally including India in Medical Practices in Hospital & Speciality Clinics Business in Healthcare Industry in India & Globally.

Benovymed Healthcare Group is the Back-Bone & High Sustainable Exponential Growth Driver in Building the Future of Healthcare for Accessible | Affordable | Safe & Quality Health to All & Benovymed Healthcare Group is Pledged to meet the UNSDG for Globally Including India for making Healthier World 🌎 for ALL.

For the last over 30 Yrs building the Highest Healthcare Quality Benchmark, Best Medical Practices, and Highest Standards in Efficacy l Safety & Quality, and delivery of the Highest Quality Treatment Outcomes in building 10 COE, Developing Novel Clinical Solutions Powered by DeepTech HealthTech through our Multifaceted Billion$ Domain Expertise from Idea to Commercialization Disruptive Innovative R & D Innovation & Medical Practices.

In the last over 30 years, we consulted, mentored, Trained, and educated in 20 Superspeciality Medical Practices with over 100,000 Doctors, Surgeons, Paramedical Team & Hospitals Team & Speciality Clinics, Hospital Management & Best International Quality Medical Practice Consultancy Globally Including India.

We know with Scientific Evidence-based Real Clinical Data to Predict with 200% Accuracy & Efficacy which Individual Speciality Physician, Hospitals &Speciality Clinics can deliver meaningful Clinical Treatment Outcomes or not in India & Globally.

Our over 30 Yrs Multifaceted Billion$ Domain Expertise in Building and Creating Business in DeepTech HealthTech Healthcare Technologies Impact Innovation, Healthcare R & D Innovation, Healthcare, Hospital & Speciality Clinics in solving real 1000s of Complex Problems existing in NCD &CD areas.

We have been bringing change in our Healthcare Ecosystem in India& globally for the last over 30 Yrs for a Healthier India & Healthier World 🌎 to make the Healthcare Ecosystem Accessible l Affordable l Safe &Quality Health to All in India &Globally to Impact the lives of Billions for Building the Future of Healthcare for all.

We know Globally including in India which Hospital Speciality Physicians, Physicians are Professionally Healthy with their Knowledge Practice level, Expertise, and Ethics from the Inside Out to deliver the best Treatment Outcomes or not.

We have Mentored Educated & Trained over 70,000 Qualified & Board Certified Physicians in India & Globally are our students directly or indirectly in more than 20 Superspeciality Medical Practices for doing Ethical Medical Practices for better Treatment Outcomes using NextGen DeepTech Healthcare Technologies for the Highest Safety Highest Efficacy Highest Clinical Quality Delivery.

Benovymed Healthcare Group Management Team:

A Well Rounded Team of Internationally Renowned Professionals as a Science Leader, Technology Leader, R&D Innovation Leaders, Medical Leader Professionals with over 100 Years of Collective Experience in the Healthcare, Hospitals & Health Technologies, IT, AI Health Industry with a Team of Medical Dr, Scientist, InnovatorDr, ResearchersDr, Digital HealthDr, Business Management Dr, Serial Founders built 17 Serial DeepTech HealthTech Startup & DeepTech HealthTech Global Startup Guru with over 30 Yrs HealthTech Entrepreneur Experience with ethical Practices with each Leaders within an average of 25+ Years of Industry Experience.

We have over 70,000 Professional Resumes waiting to join us for our Job Opening of 300+ Positions for different Levels & Departments in India & Globally within the next 12 months.

Benovymed Healthcare Group Founder & CEO | Board Chairman Mahendra Singh is having very Impressive Strong History, Achievements, Contribution in Bringing Change in Healthcare by Building Healthcare Ecosystem for Accessible | Affordable | Safe & Quality Health to All Globally including India in last over 30 Years as an Legendary, Visionary, Revolutionary , Passionate Serial DeepTech HealthTech Entrepreneur, DeepTech HealthTech Startup Guru, Serial DeepTech HealthTech Global Startup Founder & World’s Top 30 Most Impactful Global Indian Business Leader in Revolutionizing Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine | Next-Gen MedTech & MultiSpeciality Surgical Robotics through Disruption Innovation | Chief Scientist | InnovatorDr | Digital HealthDr | AI HealthDr | TelemedicineDr | Chief Global R&D and AI Health Innovation Officer from Idea -Concept to Strong R&D and Innovation and Disruption to GTM- Complete Commercialisation in Local & Global Market in bringing change in our Healthcare Ecosystem Globally with variety of our own Proprietary under Patented & Patented Game- Changer Disruptive Innovative Digital Health Technologies | Products | Services and Clinical Technologies Solutions for better Treatment Outcomes for Accessible | Affordable | Safe & Quality Health to All by Impacting the Lives of Billions of People Globally & Benefiting to all the Stakeholders (such as to 180 Countries Governments, MOH, MOD, Hospitals, Pharma Co, Insurance Co, Corporate Co).

He serially founded setup built successfully Serially some of the 17 World’s Best Meaningful Successful Impact Innovation Disruptive DeepTech HealthTech Global Startups from Scratch & converted them into MNCs (including Benovymed Healthcare Group).

He Launched ON HIS OWN SHOULDERS Some of the World’s Best 90 Next-Gen Disruptive Game Changer Next-Gen DeepTech HealthTech solving 1000s of Complex Problems existing in NCD & CD areas by Revolutionizing Digital Health l AI Health l Telemedicine &MedTech through Impact Innovation in the last 30 Yrs.

Our Founder the Next-Gen DeepTech HealthTech Man has created on his Own Shoulders 100s of Distributors Partners & Strategic Global Partners Globally, 1000s of Customer bases in B2B & B2B2C Globally Impacting the lives of Billions of People using his Launched variety of some of the World’s Game-Changer Disruptive Innovative over 90 Health Technologies in solving 1000s of Problem Existing in our NCD & CD Areas in Disease Management, Prevention, Early-Detections, Diagnosis, Treatments & Healthcare Industry in B2B and B2B2C Business Models in last over 30 Years in India and in over 100 Countries Globally.

Our Founder & CEO Mahendra Singh’s lifetime achievements & Contributions to the Healthcare Ecosystem in India & Globally with his Multi Hat Role with his Multifaceted Billion$ Domain Expertise in DeepTech HealthTech in Healthcare Practices in 20 Superspeciality Medical Practices for Accessible | Affordable & Safe Quality Health to All by converting



Remember Always:

Benovymed has an Impressive Strong history of over 30 Years in building healthcare for all can only make the Future of Healthcare for ALL.

Our Addressable Market

Benovymed Healthcare Group is working in a Trillion Dollar AI Health Global Market which is the fastest growing Market at CAGR 61.3% annually 2023-30 with an underserved market with no supply and exponentially high growing demand globally and within a Few Trillion Dollars of Underestimated, Underserved, Undertreated, Underdiagnosed, Underdelivery, Non-Accessible, Non-Affordable in the areas of Women’s Health & Chronic Diseases (Cancer | Diabetes | Heart Disease | Mental Health | COPD ) including Top 20 Cancer Diseases demand growing at more than 51.4 % Annually 2023-30 & underserved and unmet exponential demand of Disease Management Capacity Building.

Benovymed Management Team

Benovymed Management Team consists of the Founder & CEO, 2 Co-Founders, Founding Members & Board of Advisors the winning Team of well rounded with collective Experience of over 100 Years of Domain Expertise experienced Leaders in the areas of Medical Professionals, Physicians Drs, Serial Digital HealthTech Startups Serial HealthTechEntrepreneur, AI Health Innovator, AI Health Scientists, Medical Research Scientists Dr and Innovation Scientist Doctors, Digital Health Scientist Dr and HealthTech Business Development and Global Guru in domain experts from 360-degree domain areas in Medical practice and Medical Research, Innovation to Research & Development in Medical, AI Health Innovation, IT, Product Development, Product Strategy & HealthTechnology Commercialisation go to market Global Guru worked in Hospitals, Large Indian and global organization and Startups in Healthcare Digital Health, AI Health, and IT.

Our Board of Advisors

We have a complete set of four domain expertise Boards of Advisory Members from India and Globally as follows:

1. Advisory Board Members- Medical.

10 Medical Advisory Board Members to name a few:

  • Dr xx Padmashri Awarded, Ex-Director of PGIMR & Hospital and Ex-Vice Chancellor of the World’s Top Indian Medical University and he is the US Top-ranked Surgeon & Medical Administrator of Indian Origin based in the US.
  • Dr xx Ex-Prof & Head of Deptt of Surgical Oncology, AIIMS Delhi, India.
  • Dr xx Ex-President of the European Oncology Association in Europe.
  • Dr xx Head of Medical Oncology, Max Hospital, & Fortis Hospitals, IHH Group, India.

2. Advisory Board Members -Artificial Intelligence & Data Science.

We have more than 5 Advisory Board Members in AI Data Science. To illustrate a few as follows:

  • Two Dr Profs xx with over 20 Years of Expertise in AI Machine Learning & Deep Learning from Top IIT, India.
  • Dr. Prof & Director xx, Artificial Intelligence Lab, USA.

3. Advisory Board Members-IT & Technology.

5 Advisory Board Members from Large IT Organisations.

4. Advisory Board Member- Business Management ( Stakeholders in Digital Health, AI Health, Healthcare, Insurance, Pharma, Hospital & Govt).

5. 10+ Advisory Board Members from Government globally, UN, WHO, Large MNC Healthcare organizations, Digital Health | AI Health, and International Hospitals groups.

We welcome & Invite on Board to add more numbers of high profile strong contributors and Advisory Board Members in the above different Domain areas.

Our Board of Directors | Management

1. ​Ambassador Mahendra Singh,

Benovymed Board Chairman, Board of Director, Founder & CEO & Promoter is a multifaceted High Influential Global Impactful Business Leader in Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine Healthcare with Multi-Hat Roles as Business Head.

Founder & Chief of Benovymed Global R&D and AI Health Innovation Lab | Chief Global R&D and AI Health Innovation Officer and Chief AI Health Officer.

Founder & Chief Strategy Officer | Chief Digital Health Officer | Chief Commercialisation Officer | Chief Marketing Officer.

Founder & CTO- Software Technology Development( Interim).

2. Co-Founder & COO | Board of Director | Chief Medical Officer | Medical Affairs | Medical R&D | Global Business Operation.

3. Co-Founder | Executive Vice President – Medical Research-Global. (25 Years in Medical).

4. Few Founder Members | Software Engineering & Product Development.

5. We masked the Names from the Privacy & Confidentiality Clause.

We masked the Names from the Privacy & Confidentiality Clause.

Our Founder & CEO | Promoter Profile

Ambassador Mahendra Singh,
Founder & CEO | Board Chairman,
Benovymed Healthcare Group

Ambassador Mahendra Singh is the Legendary, Visionary, Passionate, Revolutionary Serial DeepTech HealthTech Startup Entrepreneur, HealthTech Startup Guru and a Founder & CEO | Promoter | Board Chairman and Board Director of Benovymed Healthcare Group.

He is World’s Top 30 Most Impactful Innovation DeepTech HealthTech Global Indian Leader & DeepTech HealthTech Think-Tank Global Leader with Multifaceted Billion Dollar Domain Expertise in Revolutionising Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine | Next-Gen MedTech through Impact Innovation since ( 1993 ) last over 30 Years.

Ambassador Mahendra Singh ( Dr for Doctors) is a WHO Geneva Expert Member ( Formerly) for Digital Health | AI Health Innovation, WHO Geneva.

He is working with WHO Member Partners Countries Globally which adds huge value for Benovymed Healthcare Business for our exponential Big Volume Business acquisition Globally in no time keeping many tops well established & well-Funded Global Players so we can replace them from the market and also the New Virgin world’s Fastest growing AI Health Global Market of Trillion Dollars with our Game Changer Technology Innovation and our Domain Expertise in Healthcare Business in the entire Healthcare Business from Deep Clinical domain areas of Inside to Outside areas of Healthcare Management.

He is an Eminent Panellist | International Speaker in Digital Health & AI Health Innovation with various International Platforms | Chamber of Commerce Globally.

He is an Advisor to all stakeholders | Mentor | Doctor | and Educator to Hospitals | Clinics | Doctors | Tech Research Universities & Medical Research Universities Globally.

He is an Advisor, and Policy Maker in Digital Health -AI Health Technologies Road Map Builder to more than 40 countries Governments Globally including the Govt of India. Thereby these Countries’ Government Official says you come with your Game Changer Technology Products & solutions we will sign big Deals with you in no time to Implement our Digital Health Technologies to Impact the Lives of Billions of People globally for Accessible | Affordable | and Quality Health to all.

He is an Ambassador for UNSDG- Health to All, Human Rights & World Peace.

He is MS (Applied Electronics by Research) from Gulbarga University, India in 1992, B.S ( Electronics) from Gulbarga University, India in 1989, and Master in Web Technology ( J2EE Java Technology, Oracle 8i, Digital Technology, E-Commerce, Cybersecurity) in 2000 from CDAC, Ministry of Electronics & IT, Govt of India.

During the Year 2000, he built an E-commerce Digital Health Platform single-handed and with multi -hat roles completing end-to-end MVP Beta version model a Next-generation Innovative technology digital Health web-based e-commerce integrated eHealth Platform with Java Technology, e-logistics, e-payment gateways, Online Doctor Consultation.

Those were the days when there was no concept of Digital Health E-commerce in Healthcare, There was no Digital Health startup existing globally and no big Digital Health or IT Health company to come out with this kind of Novel digital Health E-commerce Platform even the concept of this was very far away from any startup across the world.

During his Healthcare industry experience, he has worked on various AI Health Data Science models on real-time actionable Patient Data from the weakest side of AI in assistive AI, Augmented AI, semi Auto AI, supervised and unsupervised AI models to the strongest side of Intuitive cognitive AI, Auto AI in Health using ML, Deep Learning( CNN, ANN, Computer Vision, LSTM), NLP, in Healthcare.

Mahendra Singh is also by Professional Qualification

  • An exceptional AI and Robotics Scientist | Microwave Electronics Scientist | Microwave Radar Scientist | Innovator Scientist in Microwave Radar System of AWACS ( Airborne Warning and Control System used in early warning Airborne surveillance, Command & Control function for tactical Air Defence forces, locking the radar system of enemies & for Air warfare applications). He Invented, architect-designed, and developed this Innovative Technology MVP Product after doing Hardcore Microwave Electronics R&D during the year 1992 his Post Graduation University Research Scholar work in MS Microwave Electronics Research work for the development of the core system in Microwave Radar System which is nowadays used for Air force Military application in the AWACS system.
  • Now, this AWACS system is developed by the top few Airforce Aircraft manufacturers globally from Israel and the US.

In last over 30 years, in B2B & B2B2C Business Models he serially built, Founded, setup on his own shoulders without any Large Team as a Multi-Hat Role 17 World’s Best Meaningful Successful Impact Game-Changer DeepTech HealthTech Global Startups from Scratch to multi-million $ & Billion $ Global MNC including Benovymed Healthcare Group and he Launched some of the World’s Best 90 Next-Gen Game-Changer DeepTech HealthTech Technologies Clinical Solutions in solving 1000s of Real Complex Problems existing in Healthcare System, Treatments and in various Diseases Management in NCD & CD areas driven by Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine & Next-Gen MedTech on his own shoulders without any Investor Funds as a serial HealthTech Investors. Including he built from scratch more than Half a Dozen Israeli HealthTech Startups in India and global | Few from India to Global and many from Global to India driven by Deep Science | Deep Technology | Deep Medical Science | Deep AI Health | Deep Digital health technology in bringing change in Healthcare.

He has a strong business acquisition execution domain expertise capability of monetizing our Game Changer Technologies with High Sustainable exponential Growth Profit making ROI ;with atleast 10X to 20X with unique Go to Market Dynamic Strategies in India and the Global market as per different Geographical conditions and he launched more than;90 Game Changer Disruptive Innovative Technology in Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine | MedTech in his 30 Years of Excellence in Technology Innovation in Healthcare to Impact the Life of Billions of People in India Globally without any Big Resources and Funds in his experience.

His Deep Clinical Knowledge Deep Clinical Expertise in more than 20 Super specialties in Healthcare in delivering more than 1000 types of Treatments and Procedures in Non-Communicable Diseases and Communicable Disease areas in the areas of Surgical, Non-Surgical, Minimum Invasive, Diagnosis is so profound and deep that, he can predict the Treatment Outcomes delivered before actually starting the Treatment | Disease Management by any Doctor / Surgeon / Hospitals Globally and also having deep expertise in Healthcare Business Management.

His multifaceted Billion $ worth core domain expertise areas in 360 degrees of Deep Clinical | Deep Healthcare | Deep Science | Deep Technologies | AI Health | Telemedicine Innovation | Monetizing Digital Health Technologies at the speed of Light | Unique Business Strategy and Go to Market, Market entry to Indian and different Global Market in commercializing 100s of Digital Health Technologies from the wealth of his over 30 Years of Health startup serial entrepreneur Journey are in tons with complete end to end as a single-handed multi hat role from concept to complete commercialization in Health startup Journey when nobody in India was knowing about the next generation Digital health technologies business.

He is the Rare and Dare with highly Intellectual Brain and most Impactful Healthcare Technologies Global Indian Leader who is behind building, Growing, Creating Center for Excellence (COE) in 10 Superspeciality Medical Practices, Building, Creating many Healthcare Institutions ( In Govt , Private Corporate Sector), DeepTech HealthTech Medical Devices Technologies -Medical RD and Innovation Institutions /Center, Medical Research Centre Medical Colleges Hospitals.

He mentored, ;Trained, Educated over 70,000 Physicians Dr Surgeons Globally including India in 20 Superspeciality Medical Practices, over 60 Clinical Trials;in next-generation advanced Digital Health Technologies in Clinical Settings Healthcare management settings.

He Created the highly sustainable fast emerging Trillion $ Global Market of Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine Next-Gen MedTech since 1993( Over 30 Years) to solve 1000 Real Existing Complex Problem in Healthcare Eco System not from Today or Yesterday.

Now the Whole world is following his Created Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine Next-Gen MedTech.

Today whole World is using his Launched Technologies in Healthcare in every Superspeciality Medical Practices in Treatment Diseases Managements in Surgical, Non-Surgical, Minimum Invasive, Diagnostics ( Digital Imaging, Digital Pathology) created worldwide in last over 30 Years a Large Customer Base , Partners base with almost every stakeholders in Government, MOH, MOD, Govt Private /Corporate Hospitals Every Speciality Clinics Globally including India.

Amb. Mahendra Singh ( Dr for Doctors) is a Digital HealthDr, AI HealthDr, TelemedicineDr MedTechDr, DeepTech HealthTechDr, Inventor, InnovatorDr, Clinical Researcher , Innovation Scientist, Game Changer Digital Health Technology Clinical Solutions Provider | Medical Business Solutions Provider | Mahendra Singh is a Doctor with the will to Fix Problems in Healthcare | Voice of Healthcare | Digital Health Technologies- AI Health Business Leader | Startup Innovator | Digital Health-AI Health Exponential Growth Hacker.

He has in-depth hands of over 30 Years of experience in right from creating Innovative Game changer Ideas -POC development-Clinical RD-Clinical Trials-Clinical Validations-Clinical Trials Cross Validations with Hospitals-Risk Management-SWOT Analysis-AI Health RD and Innovation- AI Health Solutions Research and Development Innovation- AI Health Validation- Product development Prototyping-MVP-Technology Product Development-Go to Market commercialization into Indian and with a Unique Go to Market entry as per Market dynamics of Global Market while building 17 Impact Innovation DeepTech HealthTech Global Startup which is now Big Billion $ MNC.

He Converted “IMPOSSIBLE INTO POSSIBLE “ to Impact the Lives of Billions of People Globally for making Healthcare Accessible | Affordable | Safe Quality Health to All for Building the Future of Healthcare for a Healthier World.

Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer ( COO)

Air Commodore (Dr). S. Bhargava (Retd), MBBS, MD,
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer ( COO )| Board of Director | Chief Medical Officer
Head-Medical Affairs| Medical Operation| Global Business Operation
Benovymed Healthcare Group

He is Indias renowned Medical Practioners Physician Doctor with holding MBBS and MD Professional Qualifications from Indias Top Premier Medical Institute.

He is an Indian Air Force Air Commodore (Retd)| in Defence Medical Services, He is an exceptional Top Brass Speciality Medical Physician Leader Powerful Medical Services Administrator, a Healthcare Veteran, and an Impactful Healthcare Leader.

He is having over 30 years of Billion $ worth rich experience in Medical Practices, Patient care, Research, Teaching , Managing large Medical Services Managing Large Medical Operations including recent 20 Years as a Hospital Administrator as a CEO managing large Hospitals in Pan India and Chief | Director Medical Services for Indian Air Force| Defence Ministry Medical Services managing very large Projects Accounts in Pan India.

He is passionate in solving Complex problems in Healthcare with an Holistic approach by Revolutionizing Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine through Innovation for Accessible | Affordable | Safe | Quality Health to All.

Transform Healthcare with Us

By bringing Change in Our Healthcare Ecosystem. To benefits all Stakeholders & Impact benefits the Lives of Billions of People Globally Including India for making Healthcare Accessible | Affordable | Safe & Quality Health to All for Building the Future of Healthcare for a Healthier World.

INVEST in Benovymed Healthcare Group | Partner with Us | Support Us | Join Us Today!