Investment Opportunity

Attention Investor

Become a Meaningful Successful Impactful Innovation DeepTech HealthTech Global Investor by Investing in the Lifetime Investment Opportunity in Benovymed Healthcare Group


Benovymed Healthcare Group is building the Future of Healthcare for Accessible l Affordable l Safe Quality Health to All Locally Globally including India for High Sustainable Growth Pledged to meet the ESG UNSDG.

Benovymed Healthcare | Global HQ Office: Delhi, India Benovymed Healthcare Private Limited, India was legally Incorporated registered in Nov 2017 in New Delhi, India with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.

Investment: Current Fundraising Growth Equity Fund International Business Expansion Fund ( High Sustainable Exponential Growth Profit making with Returns on Investment ROI of 10X to 20X in next 5 to 7 Yrs.

All Investment is against Shareholding Equity or Debt Financing Or Project Financing. Currently we are Debt Free and mainitaining On time Company Good Goverance and Company Auditing Compliance as per the Government of India.

Types of Investors Fit the Bill: To have the Right Fit Investors for this Awesome Lifetime Investment Opportunity would be the one who INVEST in the Major thrust areas which is Impacting the Lives of Billions of People and Benefits to all Stakeholders including Investor for High Sustainable Exponential Growth Profit making Gain ROI.

You should be with Deep Pocket of 50 mUSD and above Fund Ready to Invest Immediately in our Benovymed, an Institutional Fund House / VC or Private Individual Deep Pocket Investors UHNWI or Fund of Fund / LP / Family Office ( Single /Multiple FO).

Please Note: If required, we are Ready to Relocate our Benovymed Holding company from India to any other Countries as per Investors Choice.

  1. Next-Generation Desruptive Innovative Game Changer Technology Clinical Solutions driven by Highly Scalable SaaS Platform in B2B B2B2C using Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine.
  2. Next-Gen MedTech and Multi-Speciality Surgical Robotics with AI Manufacturing in India Exporting to the Whole World.
  3. Benovymed Desruption Innovation Multifaceted Billion $ Domain Expertise earned in the last 30 Years from Concept to Commercialisation in the Global Market Kills the Market Competitions in India and Globally and its benefits to all Stakeholders in Healthcare and Benefits and Impact the Lives of Billions of People Globally including India.
  4. E- Marketplace in Medical Supplies / Hospitals Supplies (Globally Including India).
  5. Investment in the Acquistion (through Funding) Hospitals( Single/Multi /Superspeciality Small to Mid Size) Speciality Clinics Business in India Later Globally.
  6. Funding to our Benovymed Capital ( Alternative Investment Company) by Fund of Fund LP / FO / UHNWI- Impact Innovation HealthTech Fund Exclusive for Investment into the Benovymed Capital Portfolio Companies Including Benovymed Healthcare Group 9 Healthcare Business Verticals Companies.

Reach us: To know more about our Founder CEO, Promoter, Please visit us:

We will be happy to have an Intro call / e-meeting by appointment before submitting our Proposal.

Benovymed Healthcare Group with its 9 Healthcare Business Verticals ( that means 9 Game Changer Disruptive Innovative World’s fast emerging High Sustainable Exponential Growth Profit making HealthTech Unicorn MNC ) with each of our 9 Healthcare Business Verticals with Multi Billions $ Revenue Generating Capabilities Y by Y with High Sustainable Exponential Growth Profit making with Returns on Investment ROI 10X to 20X after 5 to 7 Yrs to Investors with Benovymed Healthcare Group Valuation of over 300 Billion $ with Investors Exit through IPO Listing on NASDAQ l NY l HK l Dubai l NSE working Globally including India in B2B B2B2C Business models working with benefit to all stakeholders to Govt, MOH,MOD, Hospitals , Speciality Clinics, Pharma co, Insurance co Corporate Companies Globally including India. Benovymed Healthcare Group is expanding its Business Operations through its 100s of Business Partners and through its subsidiaries in 180 Countries in next 5 to 7 Years.

We have been Building the Healthcare Industry by Revolutionizing Digital Health l AI Health l Telemedicine I MedIoT Next-Gen MedTech l Multispeciality Surgical Robotics with AI through Impact Innovation Disruptive Healthcare Technologies in Solving 1000 of Complex Problems existing in Public Health l Private Health in NCD CD areas in Diseases Management, Prevention, Early Detection, Complete Treatment Control to Impact the lives of Billions of people Benefits to all stakeholders for making Accessible l Affordable l Safe Quality Health to All for making the Future of Healthcare for all Globally including India. We are working for last 30 Years in Healthcare in Building, Creating , Growing Medical Practices of more than 100,000 Superspeciality Medical Practitioners in 20 Superspeciality Medical Practices ,Building from Scratch Supporting, with International Standard Medical Quality Practices, Education, Mentoring, Growing Medical Practices driven by varied HealthTech Advanced Medical Technologies Applications in 20 Superspeciality Practices to more than 5000 Hospitals( Single/Multi/Superspeciality) Speciality Clinics (in 20 different Single Superspeciality Clinical Practices), in B2B B2B2C Business models for Benefiting to all stakeholders with a Patient Centric Technologies Novel Clinical Solutions with our own Proprietary developed Game Changer Next-Gen DeepTech Health Technologies driven by Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine Next Gen MedTech through Impact Innovation for better Safe Treatments Outcomes, Healthcare Management in bringing change in our Healthcare Ecosystem Locally Globally including India in Medical Practices in Hospital Speciality Clinics Business in Healthcare Industry in India Globally.

Benovymed is the World’s Top 20 India’s no:1 Most Impact Innovation DeepTech HealthTech Startup MNC Global Healthcare Organisation from India origin in Revolutionising Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine through Disruption Innovation for Impacting the Lives of billions of People Globally.

Benovymed Healthcare Group is the Back-Bone High Sustainable Exponential Growth Driver in Building the Future of Healthcare for Accessible | Affordable | Safe Quality Health to All Benovymed Healthcare Group is Pledged to meet the UNSDG for Globally Including India for making Healthier World for ALL.

For the last 30 Yrs building Highest Healthcare Quality Benchmark, Best Medical Practices , Highest Standard in Efficacy l Safety Quality Treatment Outcomes in building 10 COE, Developing Novel Clinical Solutions Powered by DeepTech HealthTech through our Multifaceted Billion$ Domain Expertise from Idea to Commercialization Disruptive Innovative R D Innovation Medical Practices, Hospital Management Best International Quality Medical Practice Consultancy. We know with Scientific Evidence based Real Clinical Data to Predicts with 200% Accuracy Efficacy which Individual Speciality Physician, Hospital Speciality Clinics can deliver a meaningful Clinical Treatment Outcomes or not in India Globally. Our 30 Yrs Multifaceted Billion$ Domain Expertise in Building Creating Business in DeepTech HealthTech Healthcare Technologies Impact Innovation, Healthcare R D Innovation, Healthcare , Hospital Speciality Clinics in solving real 1000s of Complex Problems existing in NCD CD areas.

We are bringing change in our Healthcare Ecosystem in India globally for last 30 Yrs for Healthier India Healthier World for making Healthcare Ecosystem Accessible l Affordable l Safe Quality Health to All in India Globally to Impact the lives of Billions for Building the Future of Healthcare for all.

We know Globally including India which Hospital l Speciality Physicians, Physicians is Professionally Healthy with their Knowledge Practice level, Expertise, Ethics from inside Out to deliver the best Treatment Outcomes or not.

We have Mentored Educated Trained to over 70,000 Qualified Board Certified Physicians in India Globally are our students directly or indirectly in more than 20 Superspeciality Medical Practices for doing Ethical Medical Practices for better Treatment Outcomes using NextGen DeepTech Healthcare Technologies for Highest Safety Highest Efficacy Highest Clinical Quality Delivery.

Benovymed Healthcare Group Management Team: A Well Rounded Team of Internationally Renowned Professionals as a Science Leader ,Technology Leader, RD Innovation Leaders, Medical Leader Professionals with over 100 Years of Collective Experience in the Healthcare, Hospitals Health Technologies, IT, AI Health Industry with a Team of Medical Dr, Scientist, InnovatorDr, ResearchersDr, Digital HealthDr, Business Management Dr, Serial Founders built 17 Serial DeepTech HealthTech Startup DeepTech HealthTech Global Startup Guru with 30 Yrs HealthTech Entrepreneur Experience with ethical Practices with each Leaders with in an average of 25+ Years of Industry Experience We have over 70,000 Professional’s Resume waiting to join us for our Job Opening of 300+ Positions for different Levels Departments for India Globally within next 12 months.

Benovymed Healthcare Group Founder CEO Mahendra Singh is having very Impressive Strong History, Achievements, Contribution in Bringing Change in Healthcare by Building Healthcare Ecosystem for Accessible | Affordable | Safe Quality Health to All Globally including India in last 30 Years as an Legendary, Visionary, Revolutionary , Passionate Serial DeepTech HealthTech Entrepreneur, DeepTech HealthTech Startup Guru, Serial DeepTech HealthTech Global Startup Founder World’s Top 30 Most Impactful Global Indian Business Leader in Revolutionizing Digital Health | AI Health | Telemedicine | Next-Gen MedTech MultiSpeciality Surgical Robotics through Disruption Innovation | Chief Scientist | InnovatorDr | Digital HealthDr | AI HealthDr | TelemedicineDr | Chief Global RD and AI Health Innovation Officer from Idea -Concept to Strong RD and Innovation and Disruption to GTM- Complete Commercialisation in Local Global Market in bringing change in our Healthcare Ecosystem Globally with variety of our own Proprietary under Patented Patented Game- Changer Disruptive Innovative Digital Health Technologies | Products | Services and Clinical Technologies Solutions for better Treatment Outcomes for Accessible | Affordable | Safe Quality Health to All by Impacting the Lives of Billions of People Globally Benefiting to all the Stakeholders (such as to 180 Countries Governments, MOH, MOD, Hospitals, Pharma Co, Insurance Co, Corporate Co). He serially founded setup built successfully Serially some of the 17 World’s Best Meaningful Successful Impact Innovation Disruptive DeepTech HealthTech Global Startups from Scratch converted them into MNC(including Benovymed Healthcare Group). He Launched ON HIS OWN SHOULDERS Some of the World’s Best 90 Next-Gen Disruptive Game Changer Next-Gen DeepTech HealthTech solving 1000s of Complex Problem existing in NCD CD areas by Revolutionizing Digital Health l AI Health l Telemedicine MedTech through Impact Innovation in last 30 Yrs. Our Founder the Next-Gen DeepTech HealthTech Man had created on his Own Shoulders 100s of Distributors Partners Strategic Global Partners Globally, 1000s of Customer base in B2B B2B2C Globally Impacting the lives of Billions of People using his Launched variety of some of the World’s Game-Changer Disruptive Innovative over 90 Health Technologies in solving solving 1000s of Problem Existing in our NCD CD Areas in Disease Management, Prevention ,Early-Detections, Diagnosis, Treatments Healthcare Industry in B2B and B2B2C Business Models in last over 30 Years in India and in over 100 Countries Globally.

Our Founder CEO Mahendra Singh Life Time achievements Contributions in Healthcare Ecosystem in India Globally with his Multi Hat Role with his Multifaceted Billion$ Domain Expertise in DeepTech HealthTech in Healthcare Practices in 20 Superspeciality medical Practices for Accessible | Affordable Safe Quality Health to All by converting



Remember Always: Not a Single $ is Invested by Govt Controlled System, Banking System Investors in DeepTech HealthTech meaningful successful Impactful Innovation Indian Startups which is Making India the World’s Hub of all Diseases Healthcare Ecosystem Billions of Common People are living in false hope of Healthcare with suffering from with atleast one NCD or CD in India. In India, Billions Billions $ Invested in Y by Y Loss making failure fake Unreliable Unsafe Bunch of Startups Bunch of Unicorns where Unicorn Startups Investors will never ever able to get Returns on Investment even after �� Yrs of investment in those fake Fraud Practices Unicorn Startups which are not solving any existing problems in India) which are only damaging the India Healthcare Ecosystem Badly.

Transform Healthcare with Us

By bringing Change in Our Healthcare Ecosystem. To benefits all Stakeholders & Impact benefits the Lives of Billions of People Globally Including India for making Healthcare Accessible | Affordable | Safe & Quality Health to All for Building the Future of Healthcare for a Healthier World.

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